Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Big Move

So I am a failed blogger. Obviously. I have completely forgotten that to have a blog is to actually RECORD the happenings and such of my life. Here's the bullet-version of the last six months:
1. Oscar Steven Camarillo - was supposed to be a girl - 3 sonograms confirmed it - but final sonogram at 36 weeks showed 'man junk' and thus began the great overhaul of nursery, picking a name, and mass hysteria on my part. He was induced 11 days later due to his size, and we had gotten everything finished three days prior. PHEW!
2. Shellie goes back to work - after a whole year off, (trying) to enjoy pregnancy, and then to take care of newborn Oscar, the 'right' opportunity comes along in my career field and I make the decision to go back to work. Was easier than I thought, mostly because of my rockin' awesome family who will watch Oscar and keep my mind at ease. I now work as an Academic Success Center (fancy pants name for Tutoring Center) Assistant Coordinator for Simpson University. My dream is guide this in the ESL field I was hoping to work in eventually.
3. More income = More Debt - or rather, a mortgage. Not really looking to buy, but constantly perusing Craigslist, I found a house with rent-to-own options, and we took a shot and looked at it. Nestor's credit was as sour as can be, so he couldn't co-sign for quite awhile. This will give us an option to pay on the house, and have a few years to actually take out the loan. That being sad, strapping on a mortgage-type payment and handing over our little nest-egg as down payment is quite an adjustment. We have been living rent-free for the last 18 months on the  "Ranch of Exile" and haven't had to think about any kind of rent or mortgage.
4. DIY Payoff - after about 100 hours of Yard Crasher, Bath Crashers, House Crashers, and other DIY shows, we will need to put the studying to good use. This new house is amazingly preserved in 1970's decor and fixtures, so it's time to break out the spray paint, and boards and see what we can make of this. Plus, with a now-6-month-old being active and trying to be mobile, we have the added stress of living out of boxes with a baby in tow.

Ok. That should do it. I will hopefully be posting before and after photos on FB... on here it seems redundant. I am also looking forward to rejoining the public in the arena of Home-Based Internet. The Ranch didn't have that as an option, so I can blame THAT on lack of blogging. Now I have no excuse. Let's see if I can remember....

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