Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Becoming a Joiner

I have officially become a blogger by mere association. For the longest time, I didn't understand the art of blogging, though I randomly ranted on my MySpace page long ago before the era of Facebook. But, I find that as a new mother-to-be, I am reading more and more of my friends' blogs, and seeing that there is a thread of sanity there, a way to connect and network with others who sometimes find life just as thrilling and challenging and confusing as I do. So this will now be my loose translation of such feelings.

Keeping in mind that my life is more closely related to that of a pioneer's than that of a modern day woman, I can't imagine how often I will be reflecting in this medium. My husband and I live on a 275 acre 'farm' in the outskirts of Anderson which does not accomodate internet, and so most of my unemployed days are spent disconnected from the world. As my mother says, it sounds like a dream-come-true to some people, but I am not one of them. The silver lining that makes this disconnection worth while is the fact that we live there rent free, as the caretakers of an elderly woman's compound. We are undisturbed to roam untouched by traffic and noise, and to revel at the beauty that is nature. This is appreciated more and more on the first of each month when we AREN'T mailing a rent/mortgage check to someone.

The last year of being married has been an eye-opener, and one of immense personal growth, esepcially because being married to a Mexican man has forced me to appreciate alternate ways of communicating and multi-tasking, and relating to family. Thus we are a Mexi-Milk family, and I couldn't be more content. After 13 months of trying to get pregnant - yes we decided it was time within days of our engagement - we have finally been blessed with a Mexi-Milk mini to be born early March 2011. I was so happy to find a man that was as thrilled about the prospect of a little addition as I always have been. Although I wasn't as tough during the pregnancy as I thought I would be, I have found such immense strength through my family and my ever-doting husband. Given that I am the first of 4 female cousins who have become pregnant this summer/fall, I will be in good company next year as we all try to figure out this mothering thing.

Of course, I will be looking to the online blogging community for tips as well, because we all know it takes a village to raise a child, and with modern technology, the world wide web has become the "village" I so desparately may need.